Installing Linxbrew


Linuxbrew is a package manager for linux which can be used to have a local installation of such utilities such as git, gist and tmux. It is especially useful to get around systems which have relatively out of date core utilities (not looking at you debian). As it doesn’t need superuser privilages it can be installed in a home directory for example.


To install at CSX, it is prefertable to install in the GPFS system in your userspace. To do this:

[swilkins@xf23id1-srv2 ~]$ git clone \

where <id> should be substituted for your username. Now edit your .bashrc file and add the following:

if [ -e "/GPFS/xf23id/users/<id>/linuxbrew" ]; then
    export PATH="/GPFS/xf23id/users/<id>/linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"
    export MANPATH="/GPFS/xf23id/users/<id>/linuxbrew/share/man:$MANPATH"
    export INFOPATH="/GPFS/xf23id/users/<id>/linuxbrew/share/info:$INFOPATH"

where as before <id> should be replaced with your username. You are now ready to install some useful programs. As a suggestion, the following are useful:

[swilkins@xf23id1-srv2 ~]$ brew install openssl
[swilkins@xf23id1-srv2 ~]$ brew install git
[swilkins@xf23id1-srv2 ~]$ brew install gist
[swilkins@xf23id1-srv2 ~]$ brew install tmux